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Before Booking:
Is Microblading/Shading Right For Me?
Before booking your initial microblading appointment, we require a consultation to
discuss your brow goals, and determine which type of permanent makeup you are the
best candidate for. During your consultation, we will answer questions, and address all
concerns you may have. We will assess your skin type, cosmetic history, overall health,
and match you with the best option for microblading. During this time, we will also
provide other viable options to achieve your brow goals if you are not a candidate for
permanent makeup. This is your investment, your artist is here to make sure that you
invest wisely.

What Is Microblading
Microblading is an advanced brow technique that uses a superfine row of needles to
deposit pigments into the skin to create thin, hair-like strokes. Microblading is ideal for
creating the most natural and realistic looking brow. Microblading is best suited for those
with dry to normal skin, naturally fuller eyebrows, and those who still want to apply
makeup to their brows for a more dramatic look, as microblading heals very natural.

What Brow Service Is Right For Me?
Microblading: Best for those with dry/normal skin and existing full brows. This service is
not recommended for someone with oily skin.
Hybrid brows: Best for those with dry/normal skin. Can be as natural or as soft as client desires.
Powder/Ombre: Works for every skin type. Great for clients who want a precise
dramatic brow, but also can be designed for clients with a natural look in mind.

Do Any Of The Brow Procedures Hurt?
We use two types of topical antiseptic numbing creams prior to and during your
procedure to ensure that the experience is as comfortable and painless as possible. Of
course pain tolerances vary person to person and with that in mind your artist will take
the absolute most care to assess your numbness and comfort level throughout the

How Long Will The Microblading Procedure Last?

While the inks we use are semi-permanent, you can expect the ink to fade gradually.
Once the pigment has faded about 50% (usually around 1-1 & 1/2 years) it is
recommended to come in for a touch up.

Fusion/Hybrid/Powder brows will always last longer than microblading only. The pigment
usually fades about 50% over the course of 2 years or more, and if anything all you
need is a color boost anytime before that.

It is important to note that optimal and long lasting color is a direct result of how well
your aftercare instructions are followed.

How Many Brow Procedure Sessions Are Needed?
For optimal results, two to three sessions are needed with a 6-8 week window between
the appointments. At the touch up appointment we will assess the color retention, shape
and make adjustments as necessary.

Can Anyone Have Permanent Makeup?
Please be advised that microblading is a form of tattooing and there are some medical
conditions and medications that prevent clients from getting the service. If you have any
questions, please email or call. Occasionally, a doctor's note can be accepted for
special cases.

Permanent cosmetics services cannot be performed if you are:
* Pregnant or breastfeeding.
* Undergoing radiation or chemotherapy
* Taking immunosuppressive medication/have been diagnosed with an immune
* Have any active infection.
* Have an upcoming surgery within 4 weeks.
* Taking blood thinning medication or substances (including alcohol or caffeine). (this is
your responsibility to know)
* Taking adderall.
* Noncompliant with aftercare instructions.
* Commonly suntan.
* Diabetic.
* Currently taking painkillers, street narcotics, or have drinking problems.

* Taking krill oil/fish oil.
* Have heart condition
* Have taken antibiotics in the past 30 days.
* Have a tendency to keloid.
* Having had peels/laser/microneedling/tinting/any chemicals within the past four weeks.
(invasive laser treatments six-twelve months)
* Anyone currently on or having used accutane in the past year.
* Have had laser resurfacing in the past year.
* Have had botox injections on the forehead within 3 weeks.
* At high risk of infection/must take antibiotics during dental work.
* Trichotillomania diagnosis.
* If you have previously microbladed or tattooed eyebrows, a consultation is required to
determine if we are able to move forward with a correction.


Nursing mothers may undergo the procedure without numbing cream. No exceptions
will be made.

For anyone with thyroid disorders - due to hormonal imbalances, changes in skin
texture, the results can be unpredictable and vary.

For anyone with diabetes - The healing process takes much longer than the average
person and you are more prone to infections due to slow healing. Expect your healing
process to take double the amount of time stated on your aftercare instructions.

For anyone with high blood pressure - If you are on blood thinners, this will cause the
pigment to fade faster and you will likely be coming back sooner than the average
person. Microshading is the best option for you, we will likely not do microblading alone
on clients with high blood pressure.

If you have an autoimmune disease - We will require a doctor's note at the time of

Clients who get botox - We recommend microblading/shading before botox & waiting a
minimum of 2 weeks after your appointment to get botox.


What To Expect The Initial Session

Brows are a two step process. The first step to the process is the initial
session/appointment. This appointment is to determine shape, size, and color. We
prefer to keep the initial appointment very conservative you can add to a tattoo but you
absolutely can’t subtract. This first step is to see how your skin reacts, heals and how
your skin holds pigment.


* Brows will appear bolder, darker, slightly swollen, and a little warm directly after the
procedure; this is totally normal.
* Before leaving we will schedule you for a follow up session
you will leave with detailed at home care instructions. These should be followed after
both microblading sessions.


12 Months Before Your Appt.
If you have been on prescription accutane in the past, you must wait one year before
considering this procedure.


4 Weeks Before Your Appt.
Stop the use of the following products/services 4 weeks prior to your service
* facials/chemical peels
* microdermabrasion
* laser treatments
* dermal fillers
* botox
* anti aging/anti acne products
* tanning and sun exposure
* surgery of any kind

If you show up for your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn, you will need to
reschedule and will forfeit your deposit. As your skin exfoliates from a sunburn, it will
take the pigment with it.


2 Weeks Before Your Appt.
* No waxing, threading, brow tinting, staining, or henna. No spray tans of any kind.

72 Hours Before Your Appt.
*Stop the use of blood thinning supplements or medications.This includes vitamin e,
aspirin, niacin, fish oil supplements, and ibuprofen. However, do not stop taking any
medication without your doctor's permission.

24 Hours Before Your Appt.
* Do not consume any caffeine or alcohol. If you bleed during this process, it will reduce
the length of your desired results.
* No heavy exercising 24 hours prior to your appointment


You might start to freak out a little during the healing process. we can assure you
everything will be just fine!


Keep in mind that microblading is a two part process. Your first session will fade up to
50%, the strokes may shrink and you may heal uneven. This is why your second
session is the most important part. Healed results will vary for each client. We do offer
6, 12 & 18 month touch ups at a discounted price!


The Healing Process Washing Instructions
Directly after your appointment blot your eyebrows with a cotton round with no product
every 45-60 minutes (this is really important). Do not touch your brows with anything
other than to blot, and do not get them wet for 3 days. The following day, and every day
for 5 days, apply a grain of rice sized amount(per brow) of the provided ointment 2-3
times a day. Starting on day 4 after your appointment, wash them gently with mild soap
and follow by gently patting them dry. Avoid any sun exposure, sweating, sauna, and
pools for 10 days. If your brows get flaky, do NOT pick. This will remove the implanted

color & damage your skin, let them heal. Not following aftercare can lead to an infection,
if we notice improper care we may cancel your touch up appointment. Brow results are
50% from your artist, and 50% client care. This is an investment on your face so please
take all the aftercare seriously.


What Do I Do When My Brows Begin To Flake Over?
As tempting as it may be to pick, follow your aftercare instructions and leave your brows
alone to heal! Picking will remove the implanted pigment.

What You Must Avoid Until Finished Flaking
* Increased sweating, exercises, strenuous activity. Brow tattoo removal is done using
saline, saline is what our sweat is made out of, so you could potentially remove your
tattoo by sweating during healing.
* Getting your eyebrows wet outside of washing instructions - yes, you can shower but
face away from the running water and allow proper ventilation to enter the shower to
avoid too much steam.
* Tanning bed use at any point after having your brows tattooed will result in
discoloration and premature fading.
* Sun ray exposure will pose risk or discoloration to fresh brows. When brows are done
flaking apply spf daily. Do not plan a vacation two weeks prior or 4 weeks after.
* Do not pick at any scabbing or flaking. The ink will be pulled out permanently and
result in uneven discoloration. We will be able to see if you picked at your brows during
the healing process at your touch up, this will result in a cancellation of your touch up
appointment for not following aftercare.
* Wash hands prior to washing brows, and wash your pillowcase to lower risk of
* Avoid Retinol/Vitamin A products, skin resurfacing acid, and oils on your brows and
forehead. These ingredients are amazing but they have cellular communication so they
will fade your brows prematurely.
* No products at all should applied to the brows, beside the prescribed aftercare, until
they are done flaking
*Sleep on your back to avoid prematurely pulling out scabbing.

* Do not wear your hair over your brows, the natural oils from your hair will cause
premature fading during the healing process.
* If you plan to go on a vacation, it is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 14
days after the procedure.


After Microblading
After your treatment, it is normal for the area to feel tight and slightly irritated for several
days followed by dry and itchy skin. Brows will appear darker with a red tone a few days
after the appointment. During healing they will lighten 30-60% and shrink in size. The
healing process takes approximately 4-6 weeks. as your skin naturally repairs itself you
will notice the color change, disappear and reappear as they fully heal. Color may flake
off and appear softer and less visible but will slowly reappear over the next few weeks.
This is all part of the normal and expected healing process, and why one to two touch
ups may be necessary.

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